If you have been looking for an organic product to become an affiliate with, let me suggest Peak Energy Science - Organic Affiliate Program -- it is free to join.
Here is an example of how you can create a residual income from your Organic Home Based Business.
The commission structure is simple to do and easy to explain. An Affiliate will receive up to a 30% commission on all Retail Customer sales made through the Affiliate's web site. This is the difference between the Affiiliate price and the retail price. This difference will be added to the Peak Energy monthly commission check.
To be paid on all Tier 1 Personally Enrolled Affiliates, simply make a purchase of any one Peak Energy product.
Get paid on all volume from all 8 Tiers of income, for as long as you are a Peak Energy Affiliate, by simply being on 'Autoship' for a minimum Peak Energy product order of $50.00 per month.
Tiers pay as follows:
Tier 1 - 5%
Tier 2- 12%
This is done to encourage each Affiliate to help their personally enrolled Affiliates on Tier 1 to enroll their first Affiliate. You make more commission by helping someone else make a commission!
Tier 3 - 5%
Tier 4 - 5%
Tier 5 - 5%
Tier 6 - 5%
Tier 7 - 5%
Tier 8 - 5%
How An Affiliate Compensation Program Can Work (*This is only an example, depending upon how much effort you put in, the income can be more or less than shown. Many Affiliates who enroll will never receive a commission, since they will not meet requirements to qualify for a commission check. However, we believe the illustration below can be accomplished by any one who becomes a true 'Health Activist' and has the desire to help others with their health and nutritional concerns. The length of time that it takes to create the income shown below depends upon the effort of each individual Peak Energy Affiiliate. )
Develop 2 new Affiliates per month for 5 months with each new Affiliate enrolling 2 new Affiliates per month and each Affiliate creating at least $50.00 per month in volume (personal use and retail customers)
Tier 1-10 Affiliates x $50 = $500 x 5%= $25
Tier 2-20 Affiliates x $50 = $1,000 x 12% = $120
Tier 3-40 Affiliates x $50 = $2,000 x 5% = $100
Tier 4-80 Affiliates x $50 = $4,000 x 5% = $200
Tier 5-160 Affiliates x $50 = $8,000 x 5% = $400
Tier 6-320 Affiliates x $50 = $16,000 x 5% = $800
Tier 7-640 Affiliates x $50 = $32,000 x 5% = $1,600
Tier 8-1,280 Affilliates x $50 = $6,400 x 5% = $3,200
Monthly Commission: $6.445.00 -- again this is an example, all compensation and potential revenue is dependent on your effort. This is not intended to be an express guarantee.
To view more details about the compensation structure, go to >> https://www.peakenergyscience.com/organicliving/ -- then click on Affliate Programs, Compensation Structure.
A word from the Founder, Walt Canady: "Through my research I discovered that most of the nutritional products on the market are synthetic, and supplement companies are the only businesses that do not have to prove the safety or effectiveness of their products before they sell them in a “health food” store, hype them on TV, or the latest “get rich quick” pyramid scheme (of which 95% go out of business or are put out of business by an attorney general’s office during their first year!)
The thought hits: If taking the nutritional supplements and so called “weight loss” programs found in today’s “health food” stores or in the latest infomercial really worked to make people healthier, then why are 60% of Americans overweight or obese?
>> Why is it that in 1950, the U.S. ranked 7th among the top 21 industrialized nations in the world in life expectancy and today we rank 18th among the top 21 nations in life expectancy and 37th out of all the world’s nations?
>> Why is any real quality of life almost nonexistent for the majority of those who reach old age? Why is it that we spend $4,600 per capita for health care, more than twice the average of other countries, yet in both life expectancy and infant mortality we are below the median for developed countries?
>> Why are we becoming less healthy, more feeble-minded, plagued with ADD and ADHD, more fatigued, glucose intolerant, and filled with more artery-clogging plaque than ever? After all, maximum life span has been identified to be about 120 years.
>> Why are we being cheated out of 40 or 50 of those years? And the latest medical research says that the current generation of pre-schoolers are not expected to live as long as their parents! Misinformation abounds and the toll on health is devastating. “Low fat” diets didn’t make things better, neither will the new marketing blitz of “low carb”. In fact, the word “diet” is a real four letter word. No diet works because starving the body of any nutrient puts the body into a starvation mode and metabolism slows down. That is the opposite of what one needs in order to lose weight.
Also discovered, scientific research shows over 97% of supplements sold are either toxic or ineffective. The supplement industry is filled with hype, untruths, and products that are overpriced. Manufacturers use toxic ingredients such as magnesium stearate, stearic acid, and sodium benzoate.
I learned that the typical supplement may give you a temporary feeling of energy and health, but in the long run, the toxins in the products are worse for you than the benefits derived.
On December 18, 2002, FDA Commissioner Dr. Mark McClellan, in conjunction with the White House, announced the agency’s “Better Health Information for Consumers”. That report emphasizes the need for scientific information to enable consumers to make informed choices concerning the health benefits of dietary supplements. The focus at Peak Energy Science is to stop the hype and present correct scientific information concerning nutritional products. We are actively working with State and Federal Preventive Health Programs in order to accomplish this.
If 97% of the companies are not producing a quality health product, that meant the market was wide open! All I had to do, was find a company in the 3%! It took a good deal of time and searching, but we finally found Dr. Robert Marshall and his 100% toxic free, pure food nutraceuticals, which were only being made for professional health care practitioners and a select group of Dr. Marshall’s clients. When I first phoned Dr. Marshall and presented the idea of marketing his products he hung up on me! However, over the next year, I worked to establish a business relationship with Dr. Marshall. Now he is on the board of our new company, and we can offer his newest personally formulated, totally toxic free, nutraceuticals to the general public exclusively through Peak Energy Science.
We believe that word of mouth marketing using the power of the internet is the best way to get Dr. Marshall’s products into the marketplace, where they are so badly needed. If the owner of a nutrition company is not also the formulator of the products, how can anyone be sure the products are actually what they claim to be? Always look for “manufactured by” not “manufactured for” on the label. Dr. Marshall oversees each step of manufacturing and production of our Peak Energy Science products. That is where we are today, and that is why Emily and I are really looking forward to the future with Peak Energy Science. Here you will find, for the first time, “Life Within Nutrition” - Nutrition that really works and Science you can trust."
Click on the link to learn more about becoming an affiliate for a high quality, organic nutraceutical company, Peak Energy Science